Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bulan Ramadhan?’s back again with the Bulan Ramadhan and the puasa-ing…I tot I will give it a try and see for how long I could take not eating…ok the not eating bit was alright…the no drinking and no fufu-ing was the hardest…I could not even last 4 hours…haahhaha! So much for my puasa-ing!!

So Nadia and I still visit the 2nd floor for our ‘fufu’ sessions…but the unique bit is that she is puasa-ing, so she just accompanies me…amazing huh! Things friends do for you…first I felt really bad…u know how temptations can be detrimental at times!! But Nadia is one hard ball to crack (the respect given for this month is phenomenal…for some at least!)

Looking forward to all the goodies at the end of the month…ooo…Deepavali is right at the corner too…yippee!! New sarees for all…

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