Friday, April 26, 2013


It’s been a month and I've been busy…learning the new ropes of protocols…troubling sometimes…nevertheless an experience to gain and remember!

I don’t understand why some in ‘power’ get so intimidated when someone else can help (even in the slightest most genuine unselfish way) or even think ‘out-of-the-box’ in finding different solutions to get things sorted.

Protocol? What’s that? Insecurity? Rules and regulations set to make so-called ‘right’ decisions? Through and by what circumstances and whose rules? NO ONE has the right over anyone else…things can be solved in many different ways…PROFESSIONALLY and in a more ORGANIZED manner! I believe when one is able to communicate in a good and appropriate way, then let them lead…leaders are those who listen, make adjustments on case-to-case basis and gets the job done by not undermining anyone (or at least try!) To get respect, one has to earn it…don’t abuse power and status…No one is more superior to anyone else!!!

To the leaders…learn to listen and make a change for the better for the team that supports you. Encourage and motivate, guide and restructure, invite opinions and ideas, filter the negative vibrations…indulge in the now and don’t expect what can’t be expected…live to give and GOD will do the rest….

To the followers…do your best in whatever you do…your karma will earn its rewards in due time!! Be happy always and only accept positive criticisms…Be the change you want others to be!

I am a leader in body and mind…I will follow with heart and soul! I AM…

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