Friday, May 24, 2013

Black Love :)

It’s been a while…work has taken a lot of my free time and have been busy doing so many other things! Lots has happened and is happening…maybe I am trying to get my body, mind and soul to jive together and amongst all this, have been putting my mind at ease with some!

I met someone! Black love :)

Friday, April 26, 2013


It’s been a month and I've been busy…learning the new ropes of protocols…troubling sometimes…nevertheless an experience to gain and remember!

I don’t understand why some in ‘power’ get so intimidated when someone else can help (even in the slightest most genuine unselfish way) or even think ‘out-of-the-box’ in finding different solutions to get things sorted.

Protocol? What’s that? Insecurity? Rules and regulations set to make so-called ‘right’ decisions? Through and by what circumstances and whose rules? NO ONE has the right over anyone else…things can be solved in many different ways…PROFESSIONALLY and in a more ORGANIZED manner! I believe when one is able to communicate in a good and appropriate way, then let them lead…leaders are those who listen, make adjustments on case-to-case basis and gets the job done by not undermining anyone (or at least try!) To get respect, one has to earn it…don’t abuse power and status…No one is more superior to anyone else!!!

To the leaders…learn to listen and make a change for the better for the team that supports you. Encourage and motivate, guide and restructure, invite opinions and ideas, filter the negative vibrations…indulge in the now and don’t expect what can’t be expected…live to give and GOD will do the rest….

To the followers…do your best in whatever you do…your karma will earn its rewards in due time!! Be happy always and only accept positive criticisms…Be the change you want others to be!

I am a leader in body and mind…I will follow with heart and soul! I AM…

Monday, March 25, 2013

My new journey in the corporate world!

Well, well, well…I have just embarked on my new journey into the corporate world! It’s been an exciting first day indeed and have met so many VIPs and more yet to get to know. Looks like all of them have a lot of expectations from me and I will do the best I can to make sure that work is done accordingly and gratifyingly!
I am loving everything so far, the people are nice and am thinking my JD will be an interesting one as well…looking forward to a long term relationship with this organization! To the ‘higher power’, I thank you for this journey and to my family and close friends whom have supported me along the way…

Hey, Universe….here I come! Bless me!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Friendship or career?

Maintaining a wonderful and existing friendship or pursuing a career growth with  good possibilities? A question I have been asking myself for a while now. There are many things we take granted for…many things we allow to pass us by…so how then do we pause for a while to find out the best thing to do for ourselves and for our loved ones?

With all the goodness that ‘the higher power’ has planned for us, sometimes it’s hard to embrace the present as such! Which one is more important NOW? Friends come and go, sort their purposes and then leave for other pursuits…career opportunities can come and go too, while serving its purpose for as and when! Then where is the value for living? Where and how does this change the way we embrace life? So some of these questions have been on my mind…should I even evaluate them separately?

Or take it as it comes? Whichever brings the most joy for my present and now! Let ‘the higher power’ do the magic…

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Everything I need comes to me at the perfect time!

So…it’s been a while again! Classes have really taken a whirl turn on me and the things I used to always do and love doing; I can’t seem to do them now! With the new working hours and days, I have put a lot of the good things I usually used to do on hold….but guess what???

New good moments and experiences have turned up! I am now in touch with a few very good people currently in my life now like my family, friends, ‘friend’ colleagues, ex-colleagues and some teachers… I am blessed nevertheless! I think ‘the Higher Power’ has its way to tell me that I have to now prioritize the things I love and like doing with the people that matter to me ‘now’.
Like the picture says, I have come to realize that karma works at its best and in its own mysterious way, as and when it should! I love the surprises it has brought, brings and will bring in the future…Come to me, I am ready for you…through thick and thin, through good and bad, through richness and poorness, through day and night, through love and hate, through it all!

And for this ‘new someone’ who has come into my life…Welcome to Sivananthi’s World!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

It's been just too long...welcome back Sivananthi Jai Hind Das!

Why did it take me so long to write again? It has just been an adventurous journey thus far! I know and believe that ‘life’ has taught me so much and something’s are best left unsaid. But today I decided to start penning down my  thoughts as I go along this journey of mine…as the ‘quote’ says above, I AM truly enduring the wonderful experiences that life has been and will be treating me!
What has happened? Well, let me tell you that my thoughts and understanding about life has changed over the years (especially since I last wrote something proper here!). I am trying to comprehend the world in all its glory and bountifulness, that everyone and everything that has happened or is happening or will happen to me, always happens in the greatest of plan…by the ‘supreme higher intelligence’! My experiences have given me the opportunity to comprehend and appreciate the smaller things in life and how important it is to be grateful for everything that’s around me (everything and everyone in this UNIVERSE!).
When did this transformation take place? From the time our lives took a 180° turn with my immediate family and me recently! Now I know my true relatives, friends, foe and acquaintances…They all have exposed to me what abundance and limitations one can exude to others and to themselves through good and bad times! Expecting, appreciating, gratitude, love, caring, joy, peace, sharing and complementing are just some of the feelings that I have a new meaning for…I know that the ‘right one’ will be there for me in time, to share this wonderful journey with me in ‘my now’! Cheers, I say, for this wonderful, beautiful journey ahead…